Monday, August 11, 2014

Five Ways to Prevent Mold from Invading a Home

August 11, 2014

You may not realize this, but mold is actually a naturally occurring part of nature. If you take a walk in the woods, you will probably see some mold acting as the forest’s recycling system. However, since you probably don’t live in the woods, odds are you don’t want mold in your home either. Here are five ways to prevent mold from infiltrating your home.
Source: Wikimedia Commons
old home Address and fix leaky plumbing – Make repairs to leaky plumbing quickly, especially under toilets and cabinets and in the basement where water can collect out of sight. Also check for damp pipes where condensation is collecting. Wipe these dry whenever you find them and then find proper insulating materials to prevent a recurrence of condensation.
Quickly clean up spilled water – After a spill or a water leak, get water wiped up immediately. If rugs or carpets are involved, make sure that they are given plenty of opportunity to dry before being put back in place. Although not technically a “spill,” it will also help to wipe the shower dry after each use.
Keep an eye on your drip pans – Some of our modern conveniences are an unknown source of pooling water. Make sure that drip pans and drain lines from AC units, refrigerators and ice machines are unobstructed and free-flowing so that water isn’t allowed to collect or pool.
Utilize your exhaust fans – Humidity often builds up in the bathroom, kitchen and laundry room.  Make sure that each of these rooms has proper exterior venting, an exhaust fan to the outside, or a window. Sources of humidity:
  • –Cooking/Boiling Water
  • –Automatic Dishwashers
  • –Showers/Baths
  • –Drying Clothes
Purchase a reliable dehumidifier – The indoor humidity needs to be kept low to prevent mold growth, if possible between 30 and 50 percent. The right dehumidifier – like Friedrich’s Energy Star-designated D50BP with built in drain pump – can pull up to 50 pints of moisture from your home’s air every 24 hours. It can handle damp to extremely damp circumstances, uses regular house current and comes with a 6-foot power cord.

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